August 30, 2020 - The Twilight Zone

Well, we did the Amelia Island Concours back in March. That is a first class event in all respects, and a grand time was had by all. Only bad news was, we didn”t sell anything. Would love to go back and try it again, but still undecided as of this date.

In March, the Covid 19 Virus was in the news to some degree, but wholesale cancellations hadn”t entered the picture yet. But that was soon to change, as one by one, almost all of the car events began to postpone or cancel. The handful that had postponed until later in the year ended up extending the postponements until next year. Then there were a couple that I cancelled out on myself upon the strong advice from my wife and my daughter. So I have done exactly one car event this year. If I find that Ray Evernham’s Thanksgiving weekend auction is still on, I will try to keep that one on my calendar.

In other news, I have been invited by my artist friend Ken Hershenson to participate in an online art auction held for “Mittens For Detroit”. We expect that to go live by mid to late September, and it will run for three weeks. I am putting a couple of nice originals into the show, so google Mittens for Detroit and bid for some nice art. There will be forty artists participating, I think, with many styles and subjects represented.

Another nice thing to come along - I have been invited to participate in the International Water Colour Masters Exhibit to be held in May of 2021 in Lillieshall, England. This is quite an honor, and I will be having two of my newest pieces in that event.

The Automotive Fine Arts Society has actually made me a full member now, as opposed to an associate member, which is good news. The bad news is that the group has not found a suitable venue for an exhibit. A lot of issues to be settled with regard to this, so we will wait and see.

Withe the Covid 19 situation disrupting the show schedule, there is an up side. Without the normal 400 - 1200 mile drives not taking up so much of my time, I have been able to step up the production on new original paintings. There are quite a few new ones featured in the vertical column to the right of this blog page, and more complete information on each can be found in the Originals Section on the site.

Again, as always I appreciate the loyal friends who have followed my work all these years, and you can rest assured that I won’t stop till I drop!


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